Monday, June 15, 2015


they have a thankless job of
saying the hard truth.
Mother's truth can be softened by emotion,
but a father's truth,
will help children grow.

Father's have the thankless job
of lifting the bar higher
helping a child strive to be better.

For a man to be a father
he carries the burden of providing
for his family,
to make sure ends meet
and priorities are in place.

To have the burden of leadership in his home
he bears the responsibility of sacrificing
his wants, for the good of the entire family.

My Dad once said, “There's nothing you can't do!”
I believed him and have done many
seemingly impossible things.

My Dad used to say “keep the faith”
and I have. When ever things were hard,
I would have faith they would get better.

My Dad taught me to have a good work ethic
and all of my life has been better for it.

Mind you, when he repeated all these valuable
truths to me (as a child)
I heard him,
but I didn’t really know how valuable
these truths were
in shaping my character.

I wonder what valuable lessons
my children are being taught
that will only be appreciated
after years and toil
reveal the beauty of their truth.

Honor and respect today,
the Dad's that are shaping tomorrow.
And honor the fathers that helped to mold us,
into the people we are today.
I'm not saying Dad's are perfect,
but they are worthy of respect.

To do a hard thing,
God gives us the strength (to do it)
the wisdom (to do it well),
and the grace (for when we fall short).

God forgive us for not valuing the fathers in our midst.
As a woman I can get carried away by all kinds of inspirations,
while my cool headed husband has the burden of harnessing
this wild willful person
and helping me be better.

God, thank you for making Christ the head of man
and man the head of women. I see my need,
and rest in the covering you have provided.

For a father to hold a child's hand requires
a different expressions of love,
than for a father to teach a teen to drive
and still other needs
for teaching a son to guide his own family.

For all these things and more
we thank you,

And we thank you, Heavenly Father
for all the Dads in our midst.

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