Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Most people want it,
long for it,
but fear it.
They hope it's possible
but are pretty sure if they invest themselves
they will most likely be rejected;
so they settle for partial truths,
partial connections
and end up with surface level conversations
and not very deep relationships.

Is transparency worth the risk?

While being wise with what you share
and with whom, is good.
Yes! It's worth it.
Some may judge you,
let them.
Some may misread you,
let them.
Some may really connect.
The longing for unity at it's core comes from the heart of God.
Jesus prayed we would be one
(even as He and the Father are one).

I believe some have a longing to receive,
and they will find they connect with others as they give.
They may even believe they have nothing to give.
It all begins with surrender to God.
Here's what I have...doesn't seem like much,
but I'll give it,
then BAM 5,000 are feed.
God does that kind of stuff every day.
God bless you

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