Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2022 was hard.

 2022 was hard.

As I look back,
this was not my hardest year,
but so many hard things happened,
I owe it to myself to say
this was hard
I don't mean to complain.
I actually am not fond of complaining,
not from others,
not from self.
how do you know
how miraculous the sustaining,
how do you know how costly the rescue,
if you do not know how difficult 
the preceding events?

When I had my presbytery,
it was so glorious,
so so encouraging and uplifting,
I thought it was imperative that I explain
the context,
the need for these words.
The prophets gave me medicine 
by their visions and scriptures,
and I had been struggling in silence.

So I shared about the spinal cord tumor,
and the clumsy, painful weakness 
that preceded their words.
I found myself surrounded by my loving church family;
prayed for by so many.
I was humbled by gifts and cards 
and words of encouragement
as well as the Lord
giving me strength for each moment.
and words,
for each frustrating new limitation.
and then meds 
which clouded my mind a bit 
but managed the pain.

And then my dad died.
And then my dog died.
And it was hard.
So I said to God:
"You gave me those comforts to sooth my soul,
I need you to comfort me by your own hand now"
And of coarse God,
being God,

So in answer to hard,
God increased his personal help to me.
And then I had a month of breathing trouble.
If I say it was easier not to inhale,
and that I rested in the peace of surrender 
with each breath,
that would describe the (yet undiagnosed)
sarcoidosis that had swelled the lymph nodes in my lungs.
And God helped me more.

He helped me to be at peace (again) with dyeing.
I am as ok about being here 
as I am about being with the Lord in Heaven.
which only sounds dark,
if you have not wrestled with mortality,
and been healed from fear.

OK, 2022 was hard.

But it was also full of love.
I said to the Lord 
(I'm sorry to admit)
"If I had no self love,
I'd have no love at all!"
Then the Lord showed me in a thousand ways
(after immediately saying sorry)
Just how much love he has showered over me
through humans.

I think that's my problem with complaining,
when you state the negative thought in your head,
you rob yourself (and others)
of seeing all the miraculous things 
that buffet us and buoy us up 
in the sea of our trial.

When teaching a class once
the Lord spoke words out of my mouth that I love.
"I am not a victim,
I am an object of Christ's affection".
And that is what I choose to focus on.
and by this, my mind and heart are guarded
by Christ.

As I look to 2023,
I just want to do better.
I have no grand goals.
Just (please Lord)
help me do better.
My weaknesses are more clear to me now than ever.
I think when we are physically weak,
we are less emotionally patient.
And I don't like the words I ear myself speak,
or the judgments I mentally make,
or the conversations of mean things 
my mind says:
"I should have said."

Oh God,
clean the inside of this vessel.
And fill me with more of You.

It was after you had been beaten
and after you had been spit upon and mauked
it was after you had been betrayed and slandered
that You said:
"Father forgive them,
they know not what they do."

I want to be like Christ
I want to be better at remaining silent
until I have the words of the Father.
I want to be better at laying my life down for my friends,
better at washing feet,
better at being humble
and submissive and kind 
in word 
and deed 
and thought,
in 2023

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