Thursday, December 8, 2022

Forgive me, I was asleep at the wheel. [and other terrifying excuses]

 Forgive me, I was asleep at the wheel.

[and other terrifying excuses]
I'm sorry, I have cancer brain.
honestly, I don't play the cancer card very often
and being asleep at the wheel would mean I crashed my car.
I have actually fallen asleep at the wheel before
but thank goodness,
woke right up!
I've heard "I had a senior moment",
and that's more accurate,
but I'm only 54
so I don't really think of myself as a senior.
There are more young folks in my friend group than ever before,
but I just thought that meant I was hip
(I am immediately aware this word dates me).
I did so love the 90's,
but I wouldn't go back if you paid me!
It's not that there weren't a few moments
I wish I had done better,
but God's grace helps me forgive myself,
and I try to apologize to the humans involved
if it seems important for their (or my) healing.
Sorry I digress,
When the bottom of the To-do list,
grows faster than the top is accomplished,
it would be easy for a few things
to drop through the cracks of the day.
I think that's what actually happened
the day I didn't do the thing, I said I'd do.
This does happen more now
than in past years,
or maybe I have forgotten
about all the times it happened before.
At any rate,
I have found the best way to make up for my failings,
is to repent, and try to make amends.
It's actually important (to me)
to keep my word,
"better late than never" if I'm honest that is plan B,
sounds contrite and
I'd rather be on time, but if not,
I will humbly show up late
and bring flowers.
And this,
is my preverbial bouquet.

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