Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Please also share a praise

A friend challenged me
(well, she challenged many)
to "Please also share a praise"
and I focused my attention on my life.

What could I praise God for?
What has He done,
worthy of praise?

I felt uncomfortable to not have an answer.
Yes, I have health,
a home,
a family,
a loving husband.
Yes, I have work that I love,
enough food to eat,
a heater when I'm cold,
ac, when I'm hot,
but what could I praise God for?

What great things has He done for me lately?
What miracles of His mercy am I not noticing
and thanking Him publicly for?

David once said:
"Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits"
Have I...
forgotten all His benefits?

Have I taken His persevering love
for granted
or His wealth of grace
and His steadfast commitment 
to my good?

Have I become unimpressed
that He would save 
a wretch like me?

Oh, God when you return,
will there be any who seek God?
Any with faith?
Any who give you praise?
Please Lord,
keep me ever focused on You.

Your mercy and grace,
Your undeserved kindness
lavished on me
makes my life uncommonly 
full of peace.

As Your child,
I lack no good thing.
Were I to "forget not your benefits",
I should never be silent (to recount them all),
and when I awake,
You are still with me
(mercy's new and fresh 
and awaiting my notice).

Father forgive me,
for not living the life You have given me
with a song of gratitude
ever on my tongue.

Praise you my Lord,
my Father,
and King.

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