Sunday, September 11, 2016

Keep it simple

We like to over complicate things.

Walking around a thing
throwing way too many words at it.
Why can't we just keep it simple!?

We feel somehow
that there are so many expectations
we must fulfill to get right with God,
that we judge God(!)
as if he's asking too much of us,
when in fact, he made it very simple.

"[God] has shown you,
O mortal,
What is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly.
And to love mercy.
And to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Now to act justly, should be pretty easy (right?)
Just do what's fair.
Remove selfish ambition,
and treat folks fair.

To love mercy is not a hard thing.
Who doesn't root for the underdog?
Well, the oppressor, doesn't.
So don't be selfish at the expense of others
(if you want to be right with God).

And to walk humbly with your God.
This one surprises me most.
I thought about the times in scriptures
where God walks with man.
They are all pretty sweet pictures.
And amazing that God desired them.

In the garden,
God walked with His first earth kids.
Adam and Eve.
Enjoying them and all He made for them
and He even gave them an identity,
He made them in His image,
and He called them "good".

Next we see Moses longing to have his faith
rewarded by sight.
He wanted to see God.
So in tenderness,
God gave Moses the desire of his heart.
Protecting his human frame,
God hid Moses in the cleff of a rock,
and let him experience as much of the holiness of God,
that he could survive!
Powerful and precious.

Then Christ gives a very personal invitation,
to those who are weary and heavy laden,
to walk beside Himself,
and to learn from Him,
while letting Jesus share in our labor
(giving us rest)
and experience a light burden
from a humble co-laborer.

If that were not enough,
when Jesus went to be with the Father,
He even sent us the Holy Spirit
so we would not be alone.
He personally desires to fill us,
guide, heal, comfort and anoint us.
Literally (!) walking with us.

So back to keeping it simple,
How do we begin to
act justly,
love mercy,
and walk humbly with our God.

Well, even that He made easy.
Jesus said "I stand at the door and knock,
anyone who hears my voice and invites me in,
I will sit and dine with".

So come Lord,
Come in!
Dine with me.
Teach me.
Forgive me.
Fill me.
Heal me,
and use me.

For the glory of God,
and because of Your sweet kindness and mercy,
toward me,

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