Friday, August 16, 2013


Trust in the Lord,
with all your heart.

To trust in the Lord
I must put aside my fears.
I didn't think I had any.

All the voices
speaking just enough truth
to wound my heart.
They say I love the world
more than the Lord.
That my prayers
and longings
and words
and tears
for the Lord
are canceled out,
out numbered
by my sin.

Leaving me a worthless,
self soothing,
a hypocrite.
The words sting
even to write them,
tears well up
to let these weapons of the enemy
see the light of day,
they have echoed
down the halls of my mind
for so long,
a constant noise,
a beating drum
that effects
the rhythm of my days
and even my prayers.

Trust the Lord
with all my heart...

The words ask me to unlock the door
and invite Jesus
into that thought,
that hiding place in my heart.

I'll be exposed and judged
and rejected
by the Lord.
The fear warns me.

Oh the power this lie has had
to effect my life,
my character,
my relationships,
even my faith.

Trust the Lord with
all your heart.

These words...
Oh these words,
they implore me
to give this part
of my heart
as well.

...and lean not on your own understanding...

You see if I keep the fear
of being judged
and exposed
and rejected,
hidden away,
it only has more power to disable me.

So I choose to trust,
to open the door
and let the light of the Lord
expose this lie
to the illuminating,

He did
what I could not do.
He lived
all the right ways,
because I was unable.

My love for Him
and sorrow over sin,
matters to Him.
He makes it have worth,
my tears have worth.

He is stronger
than I am week.
He is wiser than
my foolishness.
He is able
to save me.

Lord I submit to you:
all my ways,
all my thoughts,
all my days,
all my fears,
all my love,
all my life,
and I trust you
with all my hart,
leaning not on my own understanding,
I submit all my ways to you.

Thank you for your faithfulness
to guide,
to heal,
to cleanse,
and protect
my heart.

I trust you

c Kim Damon 2013

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