Thursday, November 13, 2014

Because it's true

He knit me together in my mothers womb
He will not abandon me.

He told the Father He would not loose any
who had been given to Him.
He will not let the enemy steel me away.

He said He would never leave me or forsake me.
He will not abandon me or turn His back on me.

He said I have a hope and a future.
The days to come are not without joy or without purpose.

He said nothing could separate me from His love.
He dose not despise me.

He said He will finish what He started in me.
I will not be abandoned to decay,
I will be made holy.

He said the Father loved me so much He sent Christ to die for me.
He invested His most loved thing to bring me good.
So I have worth.

He thinks about me and says my name.
I am not wandering aimlessly
separated from His affection and attention.

He said if I come to Him He will not turn me away.
I do not need to fear His rejection.

He said if I come to Him He will come to me.
I do not pray in vain.

He said His Word would not return to Him in vain.
His Word invested in me, will change me.

He said He was standing at the door of my heart,
waiting for me to open it.
He comes to me.

He said He works all things out for my good.
I do not need to embrace "the worst case scenario"
in order to not be disappointed.

He said I have a hope and a future.
I can hope.

He died to set me free.
His truth sets me free
He set me free so I would live free.
There is not no condemnation for those whom Christ has set free.
I can walk free.

c. Kim Damon 11/14

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