Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Last Hour

At the last hour,
at the darkest moment,
at the point of giving up all hope,
God does many of His miracles
(at least in my life).

It's as if I have  learned
(by this)
"'s not dark enough yet."
"'s not hopeless enough yet."

God's timing is perfect.
we'd like Him to be early.
If God were early,
we could worry less.
If God was early,
we would need less faith.

So if God is all about growing our faith,
and God IS all about growing our faith,
I guess the last hour is the perfect time,
and I need to trust Him.
He has never let me down.
He is never late.

Think about it!

Even in scripture when Martha accused Jesus of being late:
"Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died."
and he encouraged her but then Mary accused Him of being late:
"Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.
Jesus was deeply troubled at their pain and moved in His Spirit
and He wept!
Even the crowd accused Him of being late:
"Could not this man, who opened the eyes of the blind man,
have kept this man also from dying?"
Jesus said to Mary,
"Did I not say to you that if you believe,
you will see the glory of God?"
And at the perfect time,
He raised Lazarus from the dead!

So in my accusing moments,
I need to look for the resurrection moment!
The God being glorified moment.
I need to look for it with hope and expectation,
 and trust the miracle will come.
And God will move in power
and work miracles of goodness
in all my trials,
to His glory
and for my good.
Because He is loving
and good
and all powerful
and on time.

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